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  1. Add the details of your name, place, and the name of the scripts used on the corners of each of the written material.

  2. The set of words have to be written separately in multiple languages. You may use Google translator or visit to translate the words.

  3. The words/phrases have to be written on a blank white paper A4 sized using any medium (pens, pencils, brushes, quills, markers, crayons etc) making use of any ink colour. e.g take the word language for assistance.

4. Write in the best handwriting possible. Making more than 3 drafts of each handwritten word, increasing the scale with each draft to reach a height of 6 inches.


5. Write in all the languages that you are literate in. For example, If one might write three languages say, English, Hindi and Punjabi, then the words have to be translated accordingly and written in the same manner as shown in the examples. Can also make use of different mediums to write.


6. Also include calligraphic style of handwriting as a separate draft.


7. Writing the same word in multiple scripts/languages on any other material apart from paper (Cardboard, wood, glass, sandpaper, thermocouple, bubble wrap etc). One may choose the writing tool according to the material.

Foam Sheet
Bubble Wrap

8. Finally, write all the different scripts together on paper. Try to write them maintaining the same height. Try not to make any guidelines on the paper.

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